Whether you're an individuall, a business entity, or a homeowners association and its members, directors and managers, you will receive cost-conscious and solution-oriented legal assistance for your business, real estate and homeowners association legal matters by turning to the Law Office of Lawrence J. Szabo. Our Los Angeles, California, based lawyers offer consultation, transactional, litigation, and alternative dispute resolution (ADR) services.
Business Law
Our business law services typically involve the creation and ongoing management of a business, whether it is a small single person sole proprietorship, a joint venture or partnership, or a larger business entity such as a limiited liability company or a corporation. Business clients regularly require advice and assistance on a wide range of transaction and litigation issues including but not limited to: entity formation, operations, and dissolution; review and drafting of documents and agreements; dispute resolution through alternative dispute resolution (i.e. mediation and/or arbitration), and state or federal court litigation.
Real Estate Law
Our real estate law services are provided to homeowners, buyers, sellers, developers, brokers, landlords, tenants, investors, contractors, subcontractors, lenders and other interested parties and involve providing advice and assistance in connection with transactional and litigation issues including: adjoining land owner matters; broker and agent maters; common ownership matters; construction related matters; escrow matters; finance matters; insurance matters; foreclosure proceedings; landlord and tenant matters; purchase and sale transactions; property management; and actions based on wrongful conduct.
Homeowners Association Law
Homeowners association law involves a combination of both business law and real estate law. Wth the growth of homeowners assoiations in California over the last three decades the area of homeowners association law has become an area of specialty that involves ongoing assistance with operational and transactional matters, informal internal dispute resolution, alternative dispute resolution utilizing mediation and arbitration, and state / federal court litigaton.
Informational HOA Website - Visit "hoaMemberServices.com"
Enhance your experience of being part of or working with a homeowners assocaition by visiting our affiliated site, "hoaMemberServices.com," a website that is dedicated to providing information, resources and networking opportunities to homeowners associations and their members, directors and managers. To visit the site, click here.